Perfect days


Today I watched the movie Perfect days, very calm. So calm in fact that a grandpa, who happened to be the only other viewer in the movie theater, fell asleep.

The plot

The movie mostly consists of showcasing main protagonist’s life, he is a toilet cleaner. There are a few anomalous events, but generally it’s so calm that it feels almost like meditation. You would expect that if the main character is a cleaner, we will see a lot of dirt. It’s exactly the opposite, not only we do not see anything most would consider repulsive, we actually get a lot of cinematic views of Tokyo.


You could say that the character goes with the flow, lives life in the moment, appreciates small things. Of course, his job is a tough one, not only because of what he has to do, but also because of what others think of him, including his family. However, there are also people that respect him, he has a routine and keeps his house in order.

We can very easily establish what his top priority is - peace. He has many opportunities to make new friends, get a girlfriend, connect with his family. He does not act enough on those. When his colleague leaves the job and calls him, he does not care about him or the money his colleague is supposed to return. He just wants to know if there will be a replacement for his colleague so that he can finish his work as usual.

Overall, going with the flow and achieving peace is very important, however the main character settles on comfort. He does not fight, struggle with pain or think about self improvement more seriously.

In contrast, in Striking Thoughts, Bruce Lee achieves mind clearance and perfects himself constantly.

I do not recommend the movie, and give it a score 6/10.