

Inherent weakness

You could say every person is not unique when it comes to human weaknesses. Each and every one of us gets old, sick and currently requires society to survive. However, in the future may come a time when people will have an opportunity to transcend all of that. With synthetic organs, precise chemical emotion control and maybe even virtual brain backups. Envision these possibilities. Some may say that then we are not human anymore. And who cares? Those who want to stay “human”, probably won’t have a high usefulness, so it will be even harder for them to survive.

The Future

Eventually, as it is in this world, only the strongest will persist. It is natural to adopt new technologies. Not only for survival reasons (survival consistently becomes easier for people), but to also extend our computation capabilities and become able of comprehending more. That is if those who would control this technology, made it open source and not attempt to seize absolute control. However, if we continue on that avenue, we will end up significantly differing from what we are. But didn’t evolution make us different from our predecessors? So what if there will be only robots remaining, not even resembling us in a slightest feature? Is the evolution we create more inferior than the natural one?

The Inevitable

Whatever is your opinion on this, we won’t stop. Because our inherent problems are problems and make our survival harder, we work to eliminate them. You could say that we have features with tradeoffs, however still boosting our survival has always been our goal. Then there are people who wish to attain more knowledge about the world, who want to understand it and they are willing to make sacrifices. There are also the ones which will keep pushing science, because they want power, their mindless drive for power, for control of others is also a part of their humanity. So it is already encoded in us to continue technology development. Unless we or something unexpected annihilates us.