


Sometimes you might see others or yourself waiting for motivation to do some real work. I might disappoint you. Motivation is not permanent. Once you get it, there is no guarantee it will stay for long. In fact, what I can guarantee is that it will vanish.

Motivation is just a feeling, if you are going to have a strong reason, motivation won’t be necessary. Your reason shall not be shallow, otherwise you will not persevere. You must be ready to sacrifice something every day to achieve your goal, fullfill the reason you chose. Sacrifice time, pleasure, satisfaction and embrace pain to gain.

Others will try to lead you back to comfort, no pain zone. Cast your strength and persist. It will be hard.


Even if you do not achieve your goal, you struggled and used your full potential, you did not fail.

You gained experience, reinforced your discipline and developed a more focused mind. This might not seem important, but you will be more ready for the future. You won’t fear next failure and you will be ready to give it more.

Modern Times

It is about using your full potential in the age, where consumerism is promoted and wide-spread. Just by following prime instincts, one can’t be anything more than a mere animal.

If you read all this and think: “Well, I don’t care, I’m so tired, I will just rest instead…”, I will ask you a question. Do you want to get something done? Do you want to make your vision a reality?

As a human, you have the ability to reason, other species don’t have it. You should use it to plan the future and make those plans into reality. Otherwise, are you a human?