

Entertainment activities

With most activities that provide entertainment (movies, video games), it is easy to get into a passive state of consumption. However, my view is that you should not allow these activities to consume you. If you plan to engage in any of this, go with an intention to take something which can provide growth to you.

When you are tired it is not a good idea to attend these. Since with these activities you risk going into a passive consumption state, where you do not deeply consider what is presented to you. You mindlessly absorb emotions and in the end you may not even remember what you did. What I propose instead is meditation, it is not easy at first, but certainly works.


It would not be a unique statement, to say that currently there are many online distractions aiming to seize your attention. Almost every self-help youtube guru discusses it. I shall not diminish the weight of the statement, because for me using the Internet nowadays can sometimes feel like a battle for focus when you are in the middle of a long task.

I suggest using a pomodoro clock and measuring your work with a to-do list for tough work. Maybe you also found a type of work which you feel like you can do all day without breaks. It is not work anymore, but your passion (only if it is not mindless and not emotion oriented - otherwise that’s just an addiction). For me such an activity is programming, if my health allowed it, I would do it all day.

This is my first post and it feels stiff like my back, but it is a step forward in my development. I will work to deliver even better content.